BIN - Bank Identification Number  
IIN - Issuer Identification Number
is the database authority.

Search the BIN Database
Download the BIN List
Verify Credit Card Origin

What is a BIN - IIN?
The BIN Number is the first 6 digits of the credit card number. This identifies the bank name, the type of card (credit or debit / MC or Visa) and the country of origin.


BIN-IIN™ Site Map:

Home Page - BIN-IIN Database Home

FAQ Page - Frequently Asked Questions

BIN Range Information
   - Visa BIN Ranges
                                  - MasterCard BIN Ranges
                                  - AMEX BIN Ranges
                                  - Discover BIN Ranges

                                  - BIN Images

About Page - About the BIN-IIN Database

Card Validation - Credit Card Number Verification Tool
                     - Credit Card Test Numbers

Avoid Credit Card Chargebacks - Code 10 Authorization

Order - Order the BIN-IIN Database for US Businesses
        - International Businesses use this link to Order the BIN Database

Site Map -  HTML Site Map   |  XML SiteMap



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Site Last Updated: September 11, 2020.


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Try these external links:

Take Checks By Phone
Routing Number Lookup
Verify Checks in Real-time
Bank Identification Number [BIN]
ACH Merchant Accounts

Find out if a check is real -
ReOrder Checks Online