When you suspect fraud
If you’re suspicious of
a card or cardholder at any time during a transaction
authorization process, you will need to make a
Code 10
authorization request.
Code 10
authorization request alerts the card
issuer to the suspicious activity—without alerting the
customer. During a Code 10 call, you will speak to the
card issuer’s special operator, who will provide
instructions on any necessary action. This type of
authorization request is the most likely to result in a
call to law enforcement.
Code 10 steps
If you receive an
electronic authorization, but still suspect fraud, do
the following:
- Keep the card in
hand to quickly respond to questions.
- Call your voice
authorization center and say "I have a Code 10
Authorization Request."
The call will first be received by your merchant
bank who may need to ask you for some merchant
and/or transaction details. You will then be
transferred to the card Issuer and immediately
connected to a special operator. A series of yes/no
questions will be asked to determine whether you are
suspicious of the card or cardholder.
When connected to the special operator, answer all
questions calmly and in a normal tone of voice.
- Follow all
operator instructions.
If the operator asks
you to retain the card, comply with this request only if
it is safe to do so.
For Visa Code 10 Phone Numbers:
- Call you own Merchant Provider's VOICE AUTHORIZATION NUMBER or
- Call the number on the back of the customer's credit card or
- Call the national VISA Assistance center 1-800-VISA-911
Taken Directly From:
MasterCard Code 10 Authorization Procedure Guide
MasterCard has
established security
procedures that can help
you protect your
business from loss.
When You Suspect Fraud
If your employees are
suspicious about a card
or a cardholder at any
time during a
transaction, tell them
to call the
Authorization Center and
request a Code 10
A Code 10 authorization
request alerts the card
issuer to suspicious
alerting the customer.
During a
Code 10 call,
your acquirer may ask
for transaction details.
Your staff will be
transferred to the card
issuer’s special
operator who will
provide instructions on
any necessary action.
In-store, card present
If your employees
suspect fraud, train
them to remain calm and
call the Voice
Authorization Center
immediately. When the
operator picks up, train
your staff to say, “I
have a code 10
Authorization Request,”
and then follow these
Stay calm, to avoid
alarming the person
who presented the
Keep the card in
question in your
Answer the
operator’s questions
in a normal tone,
with a simple “yes”
or “no.”
Follow the
For your staff’s
safety, do not,
under any
confront or try to
apprehend the
If it becomes necessary
to notify the police,
the operator will do so
while your employee
waits on the line.
Reporting Fraud
Sometimes fraud happens
even with strong
preventive measures in
place. Keep contact
information for
reporting fraud easily
accessible, and make
sure your employees know
how to use it.
Whom to Contact
If a fraudulent
transaction occurs,
contact the following
for assistance:
Your bank or payment
Your legal counsel
Your local police
department or U.S.
Secret Service
MasterCard Code 10 Phone
- Call you own Merchant Provider's VOICE AUTHORIZATION NUMBER or
- Call the number on the back of the customer's credit card or
- Call the national MasterCard Assistance center 1-800-MCAssist
Taken Directly From:
American Express Code 10 Acceptance Procedures
If you are ever
suspicious of a Card transaction or a customer, alert
store security and/or contact
American Express Code 10 Authorizations.
American Express has designed a series of simple
telephone procedures should a
potentially fraudulent Card be presented to you for
payment at your location.
With simple “yes” or “no” questions, our highly trained
authorizer will help you
determine the validity of a Card without alarming your
When you call the Authorization Center at
• Alert the authorizer that you may have a fraudulent
transaction by
stating that you have a “Code 10.”
• Keep the Card in your hand to help you during the
authorization process.
• Answer the authorizer’s questions with appropriate
“yes” or “no” answers.
• Follow the authorizer’s instructions. Do not, under
any circumstances, confront or attempt to apprehend the
• Conduct yourself in a manner so as not to arouse
suspicion of the customer.
• Remember that you may be eligible for a reward of up
to $250 for returning a lost, stolen, or altered Card,
especially if your actions lead to an arrest
American Express Card Authorizations
The United States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 800-528-2121
Travelers Cheque Encashment Assistance Numbers
The United States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 800-525-7641
Establishment Services Customer Service
The United States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 800-528-5200
To Obtain Additional Fraud Prevention Information
The United States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 800-528-5200
Also, see this
guide to identifying
credit cards.
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